ANSI/ESD S20.20 Standard
2021-12-30 11:02 MesoWise Read 5726 times
Context and Challenges
ANSI was founded in 1918, formerly known as the American Engineering Standards Committee (American Engineering Standards Committee; AESC), 1928 was renamed the American Standards Association (American Standards Association; ASA), 1966 changed its name to American National Standards Institute (America Standards Institute; USASI) 1969 officially changed to its present name in American national Standards Institute (American National Standards Institute, ANSI).
ANSI / ESD S20.20-2014 US ESD Association (ESD Association) officially launched in 2000 recognized certification program, the association by the manufacture, use suppliers of electronic components consisting of key members include IBM, MOTOROLA and other companies, the company's OEM factory or supplier must pass ESD S20.20 certification and accreditation in order to obtain and maintain certification OEM and supply of products.
ESD System Certification Purposes
The rapid development of modern electronic devices speed and capacity makes the previous ESD control facilities and the standard is difficult to effectively protect the electronic components, electronics companies must control the heavy losses caused by ESD, to fully understand and control ESD in order to improve product quality.
When the rapid development of technology, Chuqian static protection measures are not effectively control ESD, we must ensure that modern e-business professionals have to understand the technology and management to ensure full control and ESD protection in order to maintain the quality and yield of the company's products. ESD S20.20 certification standards is a buyer for those chips, electronic components, power supplies and converters, display manufacturers, in order to become well-known brand suppliers, ESD20.20 approximates a mandatory certification standards.