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AS9100 Standard

2019-04-13 13:22       MesoWise       Read 5839 times

Context and Challenges

Quality and reliability are the core values of the aviation industry. In this industry, product, or service failures or failure would have fatal consequences, and therefore the effective operation of the quality management system is crucial, not only to help reduce the risk, but also to provide a reliable framework for organizations to provide products or services. Quality management system has been used in the aviation industry for many years. Members of the aviation industry's efforts to develop a single common quality management system, eventually gave rise to AS/EN9100, 9110 and 9120 series aviation industry quality management system. The world's leading airlines, as well as their entire supply chain of partners and support the use of these management systems.


AS/EN9100 - Aerospace design and manufacture of quality management system requirements

AS/EN9110 - Quality Management System requirements Maintenance Organizations

AS/EN9120 - Quality Management System requirements Wholesalers


Aviation industry standard is based on ISO9001 series of quality management system specific standards developed by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG), aimed at achieving international consistency, and meet specific management, security, and reliability requirements of the aerospace industry. In the aerospace sector, whether it is engaged in the design, manufacturing and maintenance of the company, still in the hands of stock dealers will be affected by the aerospace series of standards.


Benefits of AS9100

Ensure aviation industry into the online supplier information system (OASIS) database
The authority of the airline industry generally require companies to implement quality management system. This alone can prove that you have recognized the aviation industry operations management system

Promoting international development and sales
The standard has worldwide, can be common in the whole aviation industry, thereby increasing trade and cooperation

Saving Time
Potentially saving time second party system audits


Risk Management
To ensure compliance by the regulatory agencies to support the system, and thus help reduce your risk


Improve brand reputation
Proven in operation with a universal language globally recognized quality standards, in order to enhance the understanding of quality requirements

Reduce waste
By improving the quality of the process and avoid floating to achieve this goal

Increase market opportunities
Help show excellent throughout the supply chain, traceability and eliminate uncertainty, prompting customers choose your company rather than competitors

Promote continuous improvement
Regular audits to ensure that you continuously, and improve the regulatory process